Choosing Executive Headshot Photographers: What to Look For

Believe it or not, a business headshot is one of the most important tools as you embark on your professional career. A professional headshot gives you a lot of credibility: highlighting how important your career is to you, and indicating that you are willing to invest in yourself. Plus, making a connection with someone is a lot easier when they can put a face to the name, which a professional headshot definitely supports. If you’re looking for an executive headshot but aren’t entirely sure what you should be looking for, here’s a quick guide:

Their approach to taking an executive headshot

First and foremost, it’s important to find someone whose style resonates with you. Different professionals have different techniques, editing, and experience. So while some of it may be a good fit for you, others might not be.

For example, if you would prefer to have your headshot taken at the office, you probably want to see some past headshots from the photographer that isn’t in a studio. That’s just one consideration in the process. Therefore, you should take your time to look at portfolios, and ask questions about their approach to finding the right fit.

boston executive headshots

Past feedback

This is also a given, but it’s often overlooked, so it’s worth stating. Search online for reviews and testimonials about the photographer to help you make the decision. Do a little bit of research and see if you can learn more about how they work with people.

boston executive headshots

Their approach to business

Photography and headshots aren’t just about the work behind the camera, but also designing the process of working with you. Booking a session for an executive headshot should be easy, painless, and well-organized. If a professional’s approach to their business is careless, it might translate to their photography as well. After you talk to them, you should leave the discussion feeling confident and excited to work with them, not hesitant.

These were just a few tips to help you pick the right photographer for your executive headshots. The most important lesson is to trust your instincts, and go with someone whose style resonates with you. To learn more, contact us.

boston executive headshots
Donis Perkins