boston executive headshots

Professional Headshot – 17 Reasons you Need One

In the age of selfies, and a camera in every pocket, there are a lot of amateur headshot photos being used online and offline these days. But you need a professional headshot, and these are the reasons why:

  1. First impressions are critical, and your photo delivers that impression.
  2. A professional photo will improve your image and the image of your company.
  3. Your photo can be critical to building relationships with your clients and prospects.
  4. You will look your very best, because we use our skills and experience to make your photos look the best they can.
  5. People like seeing who they are going to be doing business with, and your photo accomplishes this.
  6. You don’t want to be a faceless company, so you and others in your company should put your best face forward.
  7. When you have a top-quality headshot, you will be proud to send customers and prospects to your web page.
  8. A professional headshot photo will help your company improve its image.
  9. When you use a professional photographer who specializes in headshots, your photo will show you at your best.
  10. Social media is now key in promoting our professional abilities, so having an excellent headshot is more important than ever.
  11. A great headshot photo by an experienced photographer conveys your professionalism.
  12. Your photo can convey your personality.
  13. Your headshot photo reminds business contacts who you are, and it gets them to associate your face with your name.
  14. Maintaining a current headshot shows people what you look like now, so there are no surprises when you meet.
  15. A professional headshot supports and enhances your LinkedIn profile.
  16. A professional headshot photo will immediately make you stand out from those with amateur photos.
  17. A professionally-produced photo makes you feel good because you will look your best.

Getting a Professional Headshot Is Easy

boston executive headshots
Donis Perkins